Neighborhood meeting online via Zoom TUESDAY EVENING 9 March, 8.00 PM – 9.30 PM for: everyone throughout Kortenoord
We would have liked to physically meet again as neighbors. To share mainly green ideas together to make life in Kortenoord even more fun. Instead, we would like to invite everyone from Mosaïekwijk, Tuinwijk and Buitenoord to an online meeting via Zoom on Tuesday 9 March. To catch up and share ideas.
19.50 Entrance virtual
20.00 Welcome, short information about all current green projects:
Joint purchase of green (sedum) roofs for sheds and extensions
Composting garden waste in the neighborhood
Neighborhood green projects
Neighborhood function of the school and fun activities around green
Recovery of the hawthorn hedge
Website and communications from Groen Kortenoord
20.45 In four subgroups more about: Green roofs / Neighborhood function school and events / Neighborhood green projects / Neighborhood composting (you make a choice)
– More info about the approach
– Who wants to play a role or get involved and participate?
– Additional ideas, also for other (green) neighborhood actions?
21.10 Short sharing of the results in the large group (everyone)
21.20 Any other business and closing (9.30 pm)
Register no later than Tuesday 9 March at 12:00 pm: via You will then receive the link to the meeting by email (no login name or download required). Until then.
Feel free to look around our website for more information about neighborhood room, green roofs and neighborhood green projects such as flower meadow and neighborhood composting place.