One year of Groen Kortenoord
In the autumn of 2019, the Groen Kortenoord neighborhood initiative was created, based on the question: can we together make the green in our neighborhood more beautiful, nicer, richer? Below you can read what this has already yielded and what is in the pipeline for the autumn of 2020.
More flowers and herbs
On a number of green areas in the district, many more flowers and herbs are blooming than before. Good for birds, butterflies, hedgehogs and for a colorful appearance.
Local residents now manage their own green strip at Job Jansenstraat / Evert van der Heijdenstraat. The municipality planted two large trees, the residents sowed flowers. More will soon happen: the part with the concrete blocks will probably be converted into a nice, green meeting place and part of the lawn will become flowery grassland.
At the Veldje bij de Vaas, mowing is still done once a year (autumn). All flowers and herbs form a colorful field that attracts many birds (goldfinch!) and butterflies. A cherry tree did not survive the drought, the municipality will soon replace it.
In the strip along the cycle path at the Binnenhaven, the municipality now mows once a year (in the autumn). Here too, all kinds of herbs and flowers bloom, which attract plenty of bees. This autumn, local residents will add a few (fruit) trees and a bee hotel.
There is less mowed on a strip on the Georg Sturmplantsoen, some of the flowers have remained since summer, because that is good for the three old black birches and the golden elm: the tree roots are spared and the herbs provide a better soil.
Restoration of the old hawthorn hedge
The old hawthorn hedge between Tuinwijk and Buitenoord has been seriously affected by all the construction activities. There is also a lot of waste and trees are dying because their bark has been destroyed. We drew the attention of the municipality and drew up a recovery plan ourselves together with a hawthorn hedge expert. The municipality is working on repairs this autumn: planting new shrubs and trees, necessary pruning and felling work. This makes it a beautiful place for local residents & animals (hedgehogs, squirrels, birds, even a deer …?). On 29-09-2020, in the rain together with 2 municipal officials, a start inspection of the hedge was carried out from Nijlantsingel to Frans Beijerstraat.
We look at whether we, as local residents (young and old), can help plant new shrubs and trees and / or participate in the small maintenance of the hedge; further notice will follow!
Meetings in the neighborhood
The New Year’s neighborhood walk and drinks in January 2020 attracted more than 60 residents. This New Year’s walk will also be an annual event. Next time with ‘pot boiling’ – a large pot of soup for everyone, cooked on the spot over a fire. Everything according to the then prevailing corona rules.
Under the motto “How rich is the neighborhood?” On a sunny Sunday in June 2020, some 35 residents together counted all the plant species in the green areas of Kortenoord. More than 100 species were counted, including a number of rare ones. We want to repeat the count annually.
During the cuttings stroll in the spring, many owners exchanged plants. Residents put leftover cuttings in their front garden for others, and went looking for new ones themselves. We hope that all plants will thrive in their new location. The cuttings stroll will take place again next spring.
New plans For the coming period there are some nice new ideas from the neighborhood that will be picked up.
Look at ‘New activities in the autumn’
Translated 28 October 2020