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Friday March 19, 2021 by John Peters
Fruit trees
Trees are highly desirable parts of our build and unbuild environment. Some can no longer see the forest for the trees, others especially cherish the high, wind-catching trees. Trees with fruits are of course even more natural. Real fruit trees are much more popular than ornamental fruit. However, our feathered winged birdfriends also love to enjoy ornamental fruit fruits. A beautiful diverse mix of mainly all kinds of food-bearing trees, including occasionally “normal” trees such as oak, beech, birch, elm, alder, plane tree, acacia, etc. is still the very best. Diversity is a quality in itself. And don’t forget to harvest the fruit in time.
Wednesday, March 17, 2021 by John Peters
Colorfully voted?
Aren’t we all going to cast a beautifully colored vote today? Blue right, pretty green, yellow left or flowers21? All colors are good, as long as they start sustainably green. Blooming purple, dazzling pink, olive green: all the colors of the rainbow are fine.
Black, white, fifty shades of democratic gray, colorful together, together rainbow strong.
Spring flowers along the Voorburglaan.
Monday, March 15 by John Peters
Green roofs
In the back gardens of the Gerrit Zegelaarstraat and Louis Raemaekerslaan, work is being done on the greening of the small roofs.
Meanwhile, five barns and two extensions are now full of sedum on top. In terms of material costs, you should think of an amount around € 50 per m2. If you do the work yourself as done by Freddy, that’s the total cost. If you want to know more, please contact us.
And check out our site.
Saturday, March 13, 2021 by Peter van Dijk
Composting in Kortenoord.
Our composting site has been set out on Nieuwe Singel and with a DWW excavator the soil has been made in such a way that the rainwater flows into the ditch. An earth wall is at the front to keep the place itself out of sight. Now some posts in the ground to demarcate the rest of the site. We are going to sow wild flowers in the earthen wall. Hopefully many people will participate in handing in garden waste from our neighborhood. Then by 2022 we will have our own compost. For more information, visit the website “Groenkortenoord.nl”. We will soon be applying for money for this project from WageningenDoet. We have borrowed the site from BPD.
Thursday, March 11, 2021 by John Peters
In Mozaïekwijk, at the intersection Jan Jordensstraat and Herman Meurspad, a large tree has fallen, I assume due to the violent gusts of wind.
On the border of Tuinwijk and Buitenoord, the restoration of the Meidoornhaag has started. The work is being carried out by contractor Vaarkamp on behalf of the municipality of Wageningen in consultation with GroenKortenoord.