First contribution composting

Nico Bijl delighted us with a first contribution to the composting site.
He writes: “Very good idea to make a composting corner. I was already wondering what was going on with us all (Nijlantsingel). But now it is completely clear. Our gardens are actually just too small for a compost heap so this is a super solution for the garden ‘waste’. This week we want to start spring pruning work in our garden. Can we already go to the location on Nieuwe Singel? Starting with some branches of the rose and Buddleja. ”
So yes!
And putting the deed to the word came the first wheelbarrow.

See groencomposterenkortenoord

If you also want to participate, please register at
Do not deposit anything on your own without notification. Only collect garden waste and therefore no organic waste, and no olive willow. So it mainly concerns leaf waste.